Intelligently linking 3D CAD components with schedule related information allows the creation of a design model to fully exploit and improve on timescales, deliverables through store development. The real time extraction of data through automated schedules combined with full design visualisation with rendered/ photo realistic views, provides an unsurpassed level of development, assessment and evaluation. This process is adaptable and can be tailored to suit all client's needs.
Combining our 3D laser scanning services, processing of point cloud data, development of full 3D CAD model and our BIM facilities, we can extend the CAD models capabilities creating an intelligent data rich model that can deliver more than just a visual representation. This allows us to incorporate the BIM process into existing sites, retrofits or refurbishments with the principles of data rich information modelling normally associated with new site development. Clients also have the ability to take measurements directly from the scan information we can provide, prior to the equivalent CAD model reproduction, to assist with those tight timescales.